Mathematics invented or created?



For the greeks Mathematics it comes from god. So for this Platon sees that math is discovered, as all objects in math are independent of humans. Mathematicians discover new ways with logic on intuition. On another side, nominalists see that mathematics, in general, is dependent on human minds, we humans are creating concepts and tools to describe what we see.


Physicists sometimes need to create their mathematics to solve or understand a problem.


For the greeks, mathematics is part of nature, like the Planets, they have been there before us, and also it is said that God uses mathematics to create the Universe.

Okay, we can think that Mathematics was always there, and we may have to pay attention and describe it as it was. Now let’s take a look at the zero and the infinity concepts. Regarding infinity, can we measure it? Do we understand what is the meaning of infinity?


I believe this is just us trying to understand our position in the Universe, but the great part is to be part of this development, trying to understand the usage of mathematics. Okay, it is great when we create something new or discover one unexplored place, but the point is, Pi will always be there, discovered, or invented.

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